The Blood of Jesus will sustain us

With all the things that are happening on Earth it seems like the Earth would sink, But GOD--and his mighty strength holds up planet earth on his shoulders. He is the reason we are alive.  We will be sustained through his power and the blood he shed for us.  Don't get a pit in your stomach under the weight, and worry and don't let it keep you down..... Let's take inventory of our lives.  Remove all negatives and bad things .  Stay away from negative people that are toxic.  Replace with positive things that are pleasing to God. You will be better for it. Isa.43:19- God promised he would make a way for us through the wilderness.  When we are struggling and it seems we have lost our way; God is making a way for us. The tempest is raging-each moment is so madly threatening -But the winds and the waves obey him. The sky is overshadowed with blackness and I am saying and praying to God -Don't let us perish. He is the master over all the earth, Sea and skies-they all obey your will. Give us peace in the midst of it all.


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