
Showing posts from October, 2019

Don't throw in the towel

This is a powerful statement--with everything happening around us and in our world, one could easily say so what's the use of struggling on  in daily life? We have to know and have some truth within us. Satan tries to find the weakest link in everyone. If we stay the course, we will win if we don't throw in the towel.

Jewelry on

Check out  new designs on Chicjewelrycloset. Visit New items are being added. Jewelry can be used for gifts, or personal.

Just slow down

Have you ever told your child, we will do it tomorrow and in your haste, not see his sorrow? Have you ever lost touch, let a good friendship die because you never had time to call and say "Hi". You better slow down because one could die. Life is not a race, Take it slow-Time is short. Don't worry and hurry for today could be your last.

God keeps us from harm

(Taken from 3rd chapter Daniel) God saved Shadeach, Meshach, and Abednego from being consumed in the firy  furnace. They were ordered to be bound and tied up and thrown into the firy  furnace by king Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. They had refused to bow down to his golden image. We can follow their example and know He will keep us from harm if we will only put our trust in Him. When they came out of the furnace, they didn't even smell of smoke.

Be still today

Be still and know that I am God.(Ps.48:10-Nkjv) With all the pressures that happen in your life, they can leave you tired and 😞 discouraged if you have no rest. God is the great well of  peace and 💪 strength from which you can always draw. Drop all your problems and concerns at his feet-- and abandon your rights to worry about them. Be still before Him and relax. He can handle all of it.

Thanks to Bloggers and Smashword viewers

I just want to say thanks to all of you who has visited and viewed my interview on My interview has been viewed 33,318 times as of today so far. My book entitled "A southern girl's Journey from Lo-debar to Grace" is available in Ebook and Paperback. Available on ,,, and Thanks for your support! I am amazed!

Let your words be seasoned with Grace

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer each person. (coll.4:6).

Living without God

Living without God is like having a ship without a sail. Living without God is like having no Savior. Living with God you are under the Ark Of Safety. You have a living father that you have access to 24/7. His phone line is never busy, he is just a prayer away. Invite him into your life and heart today, don't delay. Enjoy all the many blessings he has for you. The rewards are many, He will never disappoint you.

There is nothing like God's love

God gives his love without any condition. God gave his only son to be the payment for our  sins. God commandment is that we love  one another as I have loved you.(John15:12-(kjv)

Resist the devil and he will flee

Resist the devil and he will flee from you--James:4:7. "You" is the understood subject of this sentence. You resist the devil and he will run from you as if in terror. God has already done all He is going to do about it. He sent Jesus and Jesus arose victorious over the devil. Jesus defeated him for you. And now it is your turn to do something about it And you can because you are "in Him".  Oh the devil's not so afraid of you as an individual. But when you find out what your rights and privileges in Christ...When you find out the Name of Jesus belongs to you ...When he knows you have learned what that Name will do....then he will run from you as if in terror.

God control our thoughts

I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live. We choose many times all day long. Our choices are so important. With our minds we choose: The thoughts we think ,to  develop the spiritual part of who we are. To accept or reject the lives of the enemy. To love God's word and God's ways. God tells us what to think on----so we know that we can control our thoughts.