
Showing posts from 2021


As we near this new years end; I want to wish each of you a Happy Holiday Season; Joy, Peace and every good thing.May all your days be sunny and bright.Deck your halls with love and kindness. Let's model the change we want to see.


The World would be a better place for all of us to enjoy, if only we could stay in our lane. One simple thing is minding your own business, leaving everybody else's business alone. Staying in your lane keeps confusion and trouble down; less confusion. If we mind our own business three hundred and sixty-five days to the year, then we would not have time to get into anybody else's business. Give this some thought and see if you can help make our world around us much better.


During this Thanksgiving Season may you find Peace, joy and every good thing. But remember Thanksiving is every day..


The Lord is our rock, in Him we hide-our shelter in the time of storms. He is our shade by day, Our Defense by night.He is our rock in this weary land. During the raging storms, He is ever near. Don't forget, He is our shelter in the time of storms. He is our helper and He is always near.


God is faithful and each day He lavish new mercies on His people. Everything you see His hands has provided. He is faithful, Just and true to His people.Pause today and give Him thanks for His faithfulness.

God's Hands Are Bigger

God's hands are bigger than any man's. Don't worry about man doing things for you. Man's hands are limited in things they can do. God's hands has no limits in what they can do. God's hands are bigger and has whatever you need. TRUST HIM, He will fullfill your needs.

Chicjewelrycloset on

Please visit Chicjewelrycloset on Etsy. Just a few examples of jewelry I made for the store.

Check out my memoir

Here is a link to my book on smashwords. Also available on Amazon.

Traveling on a rocky road

On this life's journey, the road seems so hard to bare. With all the hardships and daily happenings you wonder what tomorrow will bring. Will it bring sunshine or will it bring rain, or snow. You never can tell. But one thing for sure God knows just how much we can bare. Look straight ahead and look up for His Blessed Assurance that He will keep us safe from harm. So let's keep our hands in the Master's Hand.He has all the plans, and only He can make the rocky road smooth again.


The whole world is mine sayeth the Lord. But yet He has chosen us to be His Holy Nation. We are hand picked by God. Take on God's ways for He is our best friend forever. God's ways and His Thoughts are far bigger than our thoughts. Draw near to God and He will draw near to us. What He does for one He will do for the other. Let's stop and pause; He makes No Difference in his people. When things get rough and it seems you can't find your way, Don't give up, He has reserved a Ram in the bush for His children. Be still and listen for His voice. People will offend us and go on their merry way. Most importantly, God want offend us. Every where we go God is always there and is a very present help in your time of need. You are never to old or to young to have a personal relationship with God. He will give you a purpose in life- Submit it all to Him no matter what it may be.

This is my Father's World

This is my Father's world-He created it and formed it in His own image and likeness. He carved out the seas and the oceans, mountains, valleys, and the rivers. He made man in His image and likeness; He made all the animals in His image and likeness. He created the wilderness for the animals to live and enjoy. He made all the animals and populated the seas. The birds singing sweetly in the lighted skies. They are enjoying the maker's praise. He is shinning everywhere. Oh, never let me forget that the WRONG seems so strong, God is the Ruler yet. The battle is not done. Jesus who died shall be satisfied. This is my Father's World.

God will make your paths straight

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Prov.3:5-6. The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern. Prov. 29:7.

I Stand in Amazement

Istand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how he could love me, a sinner, condemned, unclean. For me it was in the garden He prayed, " Not My Will" but Thine," He had no tears for His own griefs, but sweats drops of blood for mine. In pity Angels held Him, and came from the world Of Light to Comfort Him in the sorrows He bore for my soul that night. He took my sins and made them His very own; He bore the Burden To Calvary, and suffered and died alone. How Marvelous and Wonderful is my Savior's love for all that seek Him.


God has forgiven the iniquity of his people, He has covered all our sins. Our God is full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. Our enemy, old satan comes and lay snares daily in our way.Incidents can arise in your family, friends, co-workers, church members:every where you turn, we are wronged from every angle. Often times old satan get into the ones that are the closest to you to stir up strife. But, we have to know that God do not bring bad things upon us.So we have to know its old satan that tries to get us all upset and bent out of shape. We have to take the high road and ask God to help us forgive whoever wrongs us. We alone can't do it, we need his help. God is our Example, He Forgave those who wronged him.


God is the light in the dark places. The world is full of darkness; laced with sin and sorrow. Be not dismayed, He is the fixer of it all. Be encouraged and know He is ever present for his people. So be that light for all the world to see. WE CAN, I KNOW WE CAN.

Think of God's Goodness

When you are tempted to fret and complain--Just think of God's goodnes to you. The world may forsake you and the ones you trust may prove to be false and untrue. There is one in whom you can safely trust to the end. In spite of our best efforts--dark clouds may hang over your way. Look up today and think of God's goodness to you. We are living in volatile and erratic times--Look up for a better tomorrow.


Yesterday is gone,forget it. Press forward for today. We can never relive yesterday but we can strive to be better today. Strive to be better today than you were yesterday. Look forward to the tomorrows. Put yesterday in the sea of forgetfulness.


Christians are called out by God to be a peculiar people. We are set aside for God's use. We are a strange and unusual people.We are set aside to do God's work.God is in need of workers to work in His vinyard. He is an equal opportunity employer; No experience is neccesary; just have Faith and believe in Him. He pays big dividends and have great rewards; ETERNAL LIFE.


As we enter into the New Year of 2021; I pray all the very best to each of you and your families. May you be surrounded with Peace,Joy, Love and every good thing. Don't forget to check out my Memoir on Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes and Nobles. Available in both Kindle and paperback. Entitled: A Southern Girl's Journey from Lodebar to Grace. Give to your friends as a gift or group, or for yourself.