
Showing posts from 2019

Blessings to you

Great blessings to you and your family in 2020 New year. May you be more blessed in the new year. I pray that God will be the wind beneath you and carry you safely through what ever lies ahead. Stay focused and in tune with the Creator. I pray peace on earth and good will to every man.

Chicjewelrycloset sale

Don't forget chicjewelrycloset sale on It includes 20% off and  free shipping. Sale ending soon.

Sin is fragrant in the world

There is a rebellious spirit that's prevalent in these days we live in. The world is full of sin and there is a great falling away from the truth of God. When we do things that are pleasing to God this brings a sweet aroma in his nostrils. So let us keep striving for goodness and truth- don't look back. The old things should be - behind us. Let's strive for things good and positive. Simplify your life, just ask yourself-"What would Jesus do? " The sun 🌞 is still shinning - but is going down fast. Always look for the positives in life even in the darkest of times.

Straighten up and fly right

Many of us are going on living our daily lives just thinking of our selves and never giving a thought of others in need; or how they are making it from day to day.  We still have the less fortunate living among us. It is written the poor will be with us always until the end of the age. So as we are nearing into Thanksgiving and Christmas Season - Straighten up a little and fly into a higher mode of thinking and sharing. Maybe a simple Hello, How are You! Remember God loves You . You don't have to spend money 💰 for this just a minute of your time. Please know God is Love and we are our Brothers keeper. Blessings!!!

Hell will freeze over before satan win

Old Satan has many people in a quandary and blinded - thinking he is the one in charge and ruling this world. He is going to and fro, up and down seeking whom he can win over to his side for his safekeeping. He is looking here and there for the weakest ones who don't know the truth of God's plan. He leave no stone unturned. He makes the wrong things look right, and the right things look wrong. Just a reminder Jesus stand at the door waiting for you to invite him into your heart and life. Remember, He is a gentleman, He won't barge his way into your heart. So think today and invite Him in. Keep calm and wait until hell freeze over.

Can't quit

Don't even think about quitting, it's not a  option. If you are breathing and clothed in your right mind, you can't quit. Satan may be bringing wrong thoughts to your mind today to get you depressed and giving you a feeling of unworthiness. Always remember you are breathing. You are worthy of God's love. Look and believe that tomorrow will be a better and brighter day.

Don't throw in the towel

This is a powerful statement--with everything happening around us and in our world, one could easily say so what's the use of struggling on  in daily life? We have to know and have some truth within us. Satan tries to find the weakest link in everyone. If we stay the course, we will win if we don't throw in the towel.

Jewelry on

Check out  new designs on Chicjewelrycloset. Visit New items are being added. Jewelry can be used for gifts, or personal.

Just slow down

Have you ever told your child, we will do it tomorrow and in your haste, not see his sorrow? Have you ever lost touch, let a good friendship die because you never had time to call and say "Hi". You better slow down because one could die. Life is not a race, Take it slow-Time is short. Don't worry and hurry for today could be your last.

God keeps us from harm

(Taken from 3rd chapter Daniel) God saved Shadeach, Meshach, and Abednego from being consumed in the firy  furnace. They were ordered to be bound and tied up and thrown into the firy  furnace by king Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. They had refused to bow down to his golden image. We can follow their example and know He will keep us from harm if we will only put our trust in Him. When they came out of the furnace, they didn't even smell of smoke.

Be still today

Be still and know that I am God.(Ps.48:10-Nkjv) With all the pressures that happen in your life, they can leave you tired and 😞 discouraged if you have no rest. God is the great well of  peace and 💪 strength from which you can always draw. Drop all your problems and concerns at his feet-- and abandon your rights to worry about them. Be still before Him and relax. He can handle all of it.

Thanks to Bloggers and Smashword viewers

I just want to say thanks to all of you who has visited and viewed my interview on My interview has been viewed 33,318 times as of today so far. My book entitled "A southern girl's Journey from Lo-debar to Grace" is available in Ebook and Paperback. Available on ,,, and Thanks for your support! I am amazed!

Let your words be seasoned with Grace

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer each person. (coll.4:6).

Living without God

Living without God is like having a ship without a sail. Living without God is like having no Savior. Living with God you are under the Ark Of Safety. You have a living father that you have access to 24/7. His phone line is never busy, he is just a prayer away. Invite him into your life and heart today, don't delay. Enjoy all the many blessings he has for you. The rewards are many, He will never disappoint you.

There is nothing like God's love

God gives his love without any condition. God gave his only son to be the payment for our  sins. God commandment is that we love  one another as I have loved you.(John15:12-(kjv)

Resist the devil and he will flee

Resist the devil and he will flee from you--James:4:7. "You" is the understood subject of this sentence. You resist the devil and he will run from you as if in terror. God has already done all He is going to do about it. He sent Jesus and Jesus arose victorious over the devil. Jesus defeated him for you. And now it is your turn to do something about it And you can because you are "in Him".  Oh the devil's not so afraid of you as an individual. But when you find out what your rights and privileges in Christ...When you find out the Name of Jesus belongs to you ...When he knows you have learned what that Name will do....then he will run from you as if in terror.

God control our thoughts

I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live. We choose many times all day long. Our choices are so important. With our minds we choose: The thoughts we think ,to  develop the spiritual part of who we are. To accept or reject the lives of the enemy. To love God's word and God's ways. God tells us what to think on----so we know that we can control our thoughts.

Psalm 34:1-3

I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.Ps.34:1. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear thereof and be glad.Ps:34:2.  O  magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Ps.34:3

Be a person of your word

Building a reputation as a person of your word can benefit you in your personal life as well as at work. You may find that you experience a higher level of satisfaction when interacting with others when you fulfil your commitments. Being a person of your word is all about being honest with your self and others. 

Prayers and thoughts

Good morning bloggers: May God's breath be upon you today . May he be the wind beneath you to hold you up. Remember God is our hero---Not any man. I know the best is yet to come.

God's Grace

Grace woke me up this morning. Grace started me on my way today. Grace makes me love my enemies; Grace brightens my day. God's Grace is sufficient. It will give you victory. Grace gives me food to eat when I am hungry. Grace gave me a place to sleep and puts clothes on my back. I am thankful today for Grace.

Be Grateful

People who aren't grateful are not givers. They rarely think about others; they only think of themselves. Their days consist of looking for others to help them, give to them, serve them. And whenever others don't  fulfill those expectations, they wonder why. Their selfishness keeps them from sowing and their ingratitude makes them wonder why they don't reap a harvest!

An idle mind is a devil's workshop

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Fill your heart and mind with good thoughts pleasing   and acceptable to God every day. Please know that God is watching 👀 and waiting for us to do the right thing. Old Satan the enemy is also lurking to get us to do the wrong thing. We have a choice, which will you choose? Let's choose things that being that sweet aroma in God's nostrils. Together we can change the negatives around us.

Be special to others

There is power and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day. A destructive word to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them. Be careful what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Anyone can speak words that tend to rob another of his spirit. Please be that one who will take the time to Encourage Another..... Be special to others.😁

God's Timing Always Comes

God's Timing is perfect as is His plan. But God's working through imperfect man. God constantly directs and maneuvers man's soul into the time frame he wants them to go. He puts his timing into man's hands and heart then waits to see who will do their part. God's Timing Always comes but how soon is man's choice depending how fast each responds to God's voice. (Borrowed from Sam Weaver)

Devotional Thought

We all stumble in many ways. But we must all get up and move on. For most of us, I'm quite sure the number of times we've fallen far exceeds seven. Yet up we stand, dust ourselves off, and move on. Never let your humanity discourage you. Jesus knows us quite well and He is our greatest advocate. If He still is for us, who can be against us? Certainly not ourselves with our tendency toward self-condemnation. Stand up straight today. You are God's child, doing what Jesus would have you do.

God is good!

Oh give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; because his mercy endured forever. Ps. 118:1. Let them now that fear the Lord say, that his mercy endured forever. Ps. 118:4. The Lord is on my side; I  will not fear; what can man do unto me? Ps.118:6.  It is better to trust in God than to put confidence in man. Look up we are a blessed nation.


How important it is to forgive others as we have been forgiven by the blood of Christ.  We have been shown grace and Mercy. When we repent we can start fresh and new with God. We are given full forgiveness of our sins because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. In light of our new beginning - God commands that in return, we forgive others and extend Grace as we have been shown Grace. It is one of the hardest things we face in life. But, the pain of living with bitterness and unforgiveness  can poison your soul and destroy you. When we forgive others we are saying what they did is OK, but we are releasing them to God and letting go of its hold on us.

Check out my Book

Don't forget to check out my book. It's on Barnes and noble, Amazon, Ebay, Walmart, and Smashwords. Titled: A southern girls journey from Lodebar to grace.

Healing Balm in our world

Bad things are happening in our world. Some things we have never seen or heard of before. Things are happening all around us. They are happening in the South, North, East and West.  But I take courage in knowing we have that Healing Balm that has never lost its savor. Satan has been defeated and he knows it.  Satan make everything look good; but all that glitters is not gold. Jesus is still on the scene. Let your soul be healed by his healing salve.  Take courage and look up!

Building your life from inside out

Spend time building and improving your life from the inside out. Spend time reading spiritual books, Bible reading, exercising .... Spend less time on buying things that don't  matter. When you focus on making yourself better from the inside --- it flows through to the outside.

Building Character

Have character-  If you don't trust yourself - nobody else will trust you. When you trust your self you can grow in honesty and integrity - it is essential to our success in life. 

My book at

Hello bloggers: I want to share with you some new information about my book. It is now available at " a southern girls journey from lodebar to grace"

Ebook on sale

Check out my E-book on Shop- 50% off.

Chicjewelrycloset Jewelry sale

    Hello Bloggers- Chicjewelrycloset has a 25% off sale starting 6/27/2019 thru 7/5/2019. Use PROMO code -JULY25. We offer stylish and unique handmade jewelry that is both beautiful and affordable. Our jewelry you can dress up or down, we offer gifts for friends and family. Discover the unique items that Chicjewelry designs and makes.  A mom and daughter Duo business.  Visit us on Facebook, Etsy, Instagram and Pinterest.  One unique thing is- I am one of my daughter's best customers.

Check out my Q and A Interview on Smashwords.Com

I have published in -Depth Q and A Interview at Smashwords.Com. I invite you to visit and comment on my interviews. You can post any questions you would like me to answer. Please invite your friends to visit.
The wicked flee when no man pursueth:but the righteous are bold as a lion. Proverb 28:1
We are all God's disciples chosen by him to teach and spread his message of salvation, by our words, actions and deeds. It starts with us - will you show someone God's love today? "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven." Matthew 5:16
I will praise the Lord, he is good and his mercy endures forever! I wanted to share this scripture with you: "Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret- it leads only to evil. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. " Psalm 37: 8-9 I hope this encourages you!
Last week for 50% off jewelry sale at www.chicjewelrycloset/ Check it out and receive free shipping if you mention this blog post!
ChicJewelryCloset has a 50% off sale running from 01/14/19 until 02/13/19. Please visit at: www.chicjewelrycloset/ Thanks for your support!
Visit my jewelry designs at chicjewelrycloset/ One of my favorite hobbies is making jewelry for my daughter's online jewelry store, Chicjewelrycloset on You will find a variety of styles priced to appeal to any budget. Please check it out and share with your family & friends. Thanks for your support. Visit: chicjewelrycloset/
Quote From Mother Teresa-- "Love is a fruit in Season at all times, and within reach of every hand." What an amazing woman who lived her life caring and loving others-forsaking self. This is an example we all should follow.
Happy 2019!!!!! I want to start by thanking God for his continued blessings. He gives renewed grace each new day. I authored my first book in February, 2018. It was a dream accomplished. I'm thankful for God's grace & mercy as I realized one of my dreams. The book is my memoir entitled "A Southern Girl's Journey from Lo-debar to Grace. My book is available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and It is available as a paperback and e-book. God grants us the desires of our heart, if we focus, believe and never give up. I pray that you all accomplish your dreams!