
Showing posts from 2020




To the World and Nations; Let all The Earth rejoyce and let all the Nature sing. Prepare every heart and soul to recieve her King. Let all join the chorus sing Peace On Earth-Good Will To Every Man. Let us adorn our selves with Love, Forgiveness, and Peace. HE IS THE KING AND THE TENDER SHEPHERD OF LOVE. He from whom all joy streameth; and all blessings flow. Through the darkness be near me, keep us safe through the dark night till morning light. Feast your eyes upon Him; and hold on to HIS UNCHANGING HAND.


Mary did you know your Baby Boy would become the Savior of the world? Born in a stable, because there was no room in the Inn. He is the giver of life. He alone is to be worshipped. He alone is worthy of praise. He alone is ALL POWERFUL. He alone is without sin. He alone is all FAITHFUL. He alone is ALL GLORIOUS. He alone can speak and HIS WORD STAND. He alone can speak and the nations crumble. He alone stands at the door of your heart waiting for you to invite Him in. He alone give Eternal Life. He alone forgive sins and restores. He alone never changes. He is our Best Friend in whom we can safely trust. HE OWNS IT'S ALL AND KNOW IT ALL. HE HAS NO DEGREES- TO SUM IT UP--HE IS OUR SAVIOR AND LORD-WHO RULES AND SUPER RULES BOTH HEAVEN AND EARTH. HE IS THE GREAT I AM.


Be Hold The Star, The Star up yonder. It is The Star of Bethlehem. There was no room found in the Inn for Him who was born free from sin. The Wise Men came from the East to worship Him, "Prince of Peace." A song broke forth upon the night. PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TO MEN. IT IS THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM.


Thanksgiving is a time to pause and give thanks and praise to the Almighty God. As we close in on this years end and coming upon Thanksgiving Day;This is a time for pause and reflection,take a look back and give God thanks for bringing us safely through a dangerous and a rocky year. Each one of us have so much to be thankful and greatful for. Just to mention a few: Being clothed in our right mind, good health, love of family, friends, jobs, most of all most thankful forletting us make it through this year of COVID. Many didn't make it, but we are greatful we have been spared with life. So spread LOVE, JOY, PEACE, during this THANKSGIVING SEASON.

satan, your kingdom is coming down

Satan we are going to tear your kingdom down. Preachers are going to preach your kingdom down. Deacons are going to pray your kingdom down. Mothers are going to moan your kingdom down. You have been building your kingdom all over this land. It's time, we are going to tear your kingdom down....


Walk with wise people. Humble yourself and admit that you don't know everything. If you find your self around the wrong crowd or in the wrong place,MOVE. Doing wrong things can steal your joy. Sometime old satan distracts us and gets us off course. He is good at that. We have to stay focused and in tune to God's voice.

Living and Loving like Jesus

Have you come to a point in your life when you feel you don't fit in no where in our social structure? We may be at home, work, traveling, mingling with friends, social gatherings, etc.One thing may be missing from your life. HONOR FROM GOD for your life. Maybe if we could look and love like Jesus, God could give us a HONORABLE LIFE THAT IS FILLED WITH MEANING AND PURPOSE. Living a life with purpose makes us a happier people. When we are happier people, we can easily love one another.

Deer panting for the water Hole

Psalm 42 As a deer pants for the streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the Living God. Where can I find Him to come and stand before Him? Day and Night I weep for His help, and all the while my enemies taunt me. Where is God? He is ever near us. Let us take courage and let our souls pant for Him. We need God in these times of desperation. We need to feel your presence God and emotional comfort. Like the deer, water satisfies his thirst. God's presence satisfies our Soul.

Searching for God

When searching for God you will find Him. You can go to the highest moountain or the deepest valley. If you want to find him, He is there watching and waiting just for you to invite Him into your heart. He is at your every turn and beckoning call. He is standing at the door knocking and waiting for you to invite Him in. Be encouraged and Blessed.

Jesus is the messenger of Restoration

We need a spiritual restoration from God. We need more Love and less hate in our hearts. We as a people have lost our way spiritually and can only find it through the one that was a rejected stone; yet He became the Main Cornerstone.Died and rose again- He came to set the captive free, not for just one but for all. He stands at the door of your heart waiting for you to invite him in and clean you up and restore you and make you a new creation from the inside out. Restoration protects us from deserved punishment. Though your sins may be like scarlet- He can wash them white as snow. God holds on to us and cleans us up. All the hurts and pain we have caused each other- can only God forgive and restore us for his service. He is waiting and available. Our relationship as a people with each other need to change. Ask God to forgive you of all your wrongs and all your mess. Only God can restore you and protect you from punishment. We need to hit that refresh button and renew our heart in Chri...

Living your life for an audience of one

Many of us live our daily lives with a toxic mind set. Toxic thoughts become your mind set and they become your reigning thoughts. Phil 4:8- Finally brethren whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Our most precious commodity is our soul and our time. Don't let old satan capitalize on your mind that keeps you in a toxic state. Facebook has many minds captured on toxic thoughts-- Every little thing that happen you have to share with your friends on Facebook. You go out to eat and you post your plate, go on vacation, buy a new car or a new home,etc. Do any of this really matter? Are they truly your friends? Try living your life for an audience of one. That is truly what matters in the end. Jesus is all that will matter.


Now is the time for each of us to renew our faith in people; and in the God of the universe. We as a people have put up visible walls that separate you and me. The walls are still standing, making us go round and round. We need to be like Joshua and blow our trumpets until the walls come crumbling down, and the world will right the wrongs. Together we have a whirlwind of strength from the United States to the Netherlands. Together we can do this. Please join me in making our world a better place that we all can enjoy. We are just ordinary people but lifting our voices together, we can do the extra ordinary thing.

A Southern Girls Journey

Read my Memoir- A Southern girls Journey from Lodebar to Grace. Available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

A Free America in chaos

America is at war from within her own ranks. A land that was created by our Creator for every man and woman not just for a chosen few.  We are a land that is divided- Together we stand-Divided we fall.  We are constantly biting and devouring one another; A land on it's way to destruction.  America is her own worst enemy .  No need to worry about foreign nations destroying us, we the people are destroying our selves.  I pray that God don't let the Sun go down on America in her present state.  It's like waking up to a bad dream. Can't believe how far we have fallen from the Golden Rule-Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Let's model the change we would like to see.  WE CAN, IF WE THINK WE CAN!! WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS!!!

Jehovah Jireh Our Provider

Gen. 22:11-14 When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac- He stopped Abraham in time before the killing and gave him a ram that was in the bush. So saying there is always a ram in the bush means God always has a solution for everything. Abraham had cut the wood and laid it upon Isaac and he took the fire in his hand and a knife--But Isaac spoke to Abraham his father-Behold the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a Burnt Offering? Abraham said my son-God will provide himself a lamb for a Burnt Offering. Abraham was about to sacrifice his only son when he saw a Ram caught in a thicket by his horns-and Abraham went and took the Ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son. God tested Abraham. God provided a sacrifice in place of Abraham's only son. We as his children will be tested, but let us always know he has a Ram in the bush---A way out for his children.

The Blood of Jesus will sustain us

With all the things that are happening on Earth it seems like the Earth would sink, But GOD--and his mighty strength holds up planet earth on his shoulders. He is the reason we are alive.  We will be sustained through his power and the blood he shed for us.  Don't get a pit in your stomach under the weight, and worry and don't let it keep you down..... Let's take inventory of our lives.  Remove all negatives and bad things .  Stay away from negative people that are toxic.  Replace with positive things that are pleasing to God. You will be better for it. Isa.43:19- God promised he would make a way for us through the wilderness.  When we are struggling and it seems we have lost our way; God is making a way for us. The tempest is raging-each moment is so madly threatening -But the winds and the waves obey him. The sky is overshadowed with blackness and I am saying and praying to God -Don't let us perish. He is the master over all the earth, Sea and skies-they ...

Jesus is our Healing Balm

Bad things are happening in our world. Some things we have never seen before.  Things are happening all around us. They are happening in the North, South, East and West.  But, I take courage in knowing we have that Healing Balm that has never lost its Savor.  Old satan has already been defeated and he knows it. His aim is to take as many souls to hell as he can.  satan make everything look good; but all that glitters is not gold.  I know that Jesus is on the scene.  He goes up and down seeking who he may show himself mighty to. Listen for his whisper-He is just a prayer away. Let your soul be healed by His Healing Salve.  Take courage, look up! Our redemption draws nigh.

To day is cloudy-but the sun will shine again

The times we are living in are very challenging and dire but just know the Sun is going to shine again. Satan has things in an uproar but only for a short time.  He wants us to be fearful, but let us replace fear with faith.  Rejoice in the Lord and we will flourish again.  I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, to be content. Phil.4:13-I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Phil.4:19- But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. In  times like these we need an anchor--so lets grip that Solid Rock!

If the devil send you a package, you dont have to sign for it

Often times we receive junk mail fill with lies through the mail. However, this junk mail is a trick of the devil to get us to sign on to it. Well just because satan sends it doesn't mean we have to sign for it taking his bait. Nowadays the devil comes at us through any way he can.  He comes many ways to get at us-Could be mail, knock on door, internet, tv and emails on our computer.... we need to stay viligant and on guard for whatever way he tries to come at us. Stay in tune to the Holy Spirit and we will be able to discern facts from fiction. Satan is great at making things look good.  But remember all that glitter is not gold.  He is always on the move coming up with things to trick us up. So let us stay on guard.

Let there be peace on earth

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. With God as our Father and you as my Brothers and Sisters--that make us Family.  Let us walk together in perfect harmony. Our moment is now--With each step we take let it be for Peace and Harmony!!! Take each moment and live each moment in Love and Peace.!!!

Strive for positive change

Let us strive for positive change-its within us. A big payday lies ahead when we serve others. Let us be a model of change we would like to see in the world. Let us spread kindness and love to all we meet. Be aware, we cannot reach all the ones that are emboldened with hate from old satan- if we reach one-that is a big job. Let us strive to reach one at a time. Together we can-if we think we can.!!

True Friends

A true friend warms your heart by their presence. Trust them with your secrets, remember you in their prayers.  Loves you-no matter what arises-they don't trash you to the world. They will stick by you through the thick and thin.  They wont forsake you and run when things get tough. But, true earthly friends are scarce to come by.  Praise God if you find one or two during a lifetime.  The truest friend is Jesus.  He will never forsake or leave you.  Put your trust in the one and only true friend.  He supply all we could ever need.  There is no one or nothing like Him-No not one. He pays Big dividends -- Time To Invest.

We are living in a day of gloom and doom

Today is a good day; its a day that God has made. Let's rejoice  and be glad.  Some days may seem dark and gloomy-but through it all God is present. He said He would never forsake us-nor leave us.  Let's believe Him and take Him at His Word.  So rejoice, rejoice knowing we are safe and secure in Him!

Examine your Heart

God is the Creator of everything, if you can see it or imagine it, God created it. This green earth was created for all mankind to live on and enjoy and populate. No matter how wealthy a man is, or how poor a man is-we were created in God's likeness and image.  We all was made to enjoy and share in his creation. The Sun is going down fast on Planet Earth- but there is still time for self examination. Please make sure our hearts are Pure and full of love for everyone.  Tomorrow is not promised...... God is Love!!!!!!

Living life on fumes of gas-rather than on a full tank of gas

Some of us choose to run our vehicles on half-full, full tanks of gas, some choose to put it off filling the tank until there is just fumes. I visualize our lives running on fumes of gas-rather than a full tank of gas. Some of us hate to fill the tank, keep putting it off until you are stuck in the middle of no where. You don't have gas money, no gas stations are near, and no AAA. BUT GOD IS THERE! So we need to stay vigil and stay tanked up with the Holy Spirit. He gives us direction and supplies every need we can imagine. Never put off today what you can do today.

If it had not been for the Lord on my side-where would I be

If it had not been for the Lord on my side when men rose up against me; they would have swallowed me quick, when their wrath was kindled against me. Blessed be the Lord who hath not given us as a prey for their teeth, my soul escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers; the snare broke and I escaped.  Our help is in the name of the Lord. We have to always trust in the Lord. When the enemy come upon us to devour our flesh, they will stumble and fall. Every Time.  It may look as if old satan is winning-but just be calm and pause and wait patiently for your way of escape.

Based on 37 psalm

Don't fret yourself because of evildoers be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.  Some people keep going on doing evil-day after day. They are not giving a thought of a day they have to reap what they sow. Evildoers shall be cut off. That's not a matter if, its just a matter when! Delight thyself in the Lord; and He shall give you the desires of thine heart. God will bring forth thy righteous as the light, and thy judgement as the noon day Don't get weary, rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Don't worry about the wicked man who bring wicked devices to pass.  But the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace!