The whole world is mine sayeth the Lord. But yet He has chosen us to be His Holy Nation. We are hand picked by God. Take on God's ways for He is our best friend forever. God's ways and His Thoughts are far bigger than our thoughts. Draw near to God and He will draw near to us. What He does for one He will do for the other. Let's stop and pause; He makes No Difference in his people. When things get rough and it seems you can't find your way, Don't give up, He has reserved a Ram in the bush for His children. Be still and listen for His voice. People will offend us and go on their merry way. Most importantly, God want offend us. Every where we go God is always there and is a very present help in your time of need. You are never to old or to young to have a personal relationship with God. He will give you a purpose in life- Submit it all to Him no matter what it may be.