
Showing posts from February, 2021


God is the light in the dark places. The world is full of darkness; laced with sin and sorrow. Be not dismayed, He is the fixer of it all. Be encouraged and know He is ever present for his people. So be that light for all the world to see. WE CAN, I KNOW WE CAN.

Think of God's Goodness

When you are tempted to fret and complain--Just think of God's goodnes to you. The world may forsake you and the ones you trust may prove to be false and untrue. There is one in whom you can safely trust to the end. In spite of our best efforts--dark clouds may hang over your way. Look up today and think of God's goodness to you. We are living in volatile and erratic times--Look up for a better tomorrow.


Yesterday is gone,forget it. Press forward for today. We can never relive yesterday but we can strive to be better today. Strive to be better today than you were yesterday. Look forward to the tomorrows. Put yesterday in the sea of forgetfulness.