
Showing posts from May, 2020

A Free America in chaos

America is at war from within her own ranks. A land that was created by our Creator for every man and woman not just for a chosen few.  We are a land that is divided- Together we stand-Divided we fall.  We are constantly biting and devouring one another; A land on it's way to destruction.  America is her own worst enemy .  No need to worry about foreign nations destroying us, we the people are destroying our selves.  I pray that God don't let the Sun go down on America in her present state.  It's like waking up to a bad dream. Can't believe how far we have fallen from the Golden Rule-Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Let's model the change we would like to see.  WE CAN, IF WE THINK WE CAN!! WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS!!!

Jehovah Jireh Our Provider

Gen. 22:11-14 When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac- He stopped Abraham in time before the killing and gave him a ram that was in the bush. So saying there is always a ram in the bush means God always has a solution for everything. Abraham had cut the wood and laid it upon Isaac and he took the fire in his hand and a knife--But Isaac spoke to Abraham his father-Behold the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a Burnt Offering? Abraham said my son-God will provide himself a lamb for a Burnt Offering. Abraham was about to sacrifice his only son when he saw a Ram caught in a thicket by his horns-and Abraham went and took the Ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son. God tested Abraham. God provided a sacrifice in place of Abraham's only son. We as his children will be tested, but let us always know he has a Ram in the bush---A way out for his children.